Hello ! My name is Rina

Traveling is my lifeline

I developed a love for traveling at a young age when I would take overnight sleeper trains to visit my grandparents in a different county during the summer break. Although the journey was lengthy, I found immense joy in stepping off the train at various city stops and immersing myself in the different atmospheres. I cherished the opportunity to meet new people who were getting on the train, as each encounter brought a sense of excitement and curiosity. As I have grown older, this passion for exploration has only intensified. I find it difficult to remain in one place for too long, as my restless nature constantly urges me to keep moving. Traveling allows me to continuously experience new cultures, broaden my horizons, and create unforgettable memories. So, why should I resist the call to adventure?


Countries visited in the last 5 years 


World's most known cities visited


States visited in the US


Total flights taken


Lost or stolen luggage