October 2022

Spain - beauty, history, people and adventure

Nuevo Bridge, Ronda, Spain
Nuevo Bridge, Ronda, Spain

Spain is a country known for its warm and pleasant climate. Seville warmly welcomed us with its rich history, captivating us with its stunning architecture and delicious tapas. We were also fortunate enough to witness the enchanting flamenco dances up close and personal adding to our experience. During our visit, we had the opportunity to explore the charming city of Ronda, famous for its iconic Nuovo Bridge and the oldest bull fighting rink. We were also fortunate enough to visit the Alhambra, with its oldest Islam architecture, which showcased the rich history and architectural beauty of the region. Additionally, we admired the impressive Roman bridge in Granada and blue pot flower walls in Cordoba. However, our experience in Spain was not just limited to sightseeing. We thoroughly enjoyed immersing ourselves in the lively atmosphere, indulging in the delectable local cuisine, and savoring the exquisite wines that the country is renowned for.

We had the opportunity to rent a car and explore various places during our trip. The drive to Ronda was particularly memorable, as we navigated the winding mountain road, enjoying the breathtaking views along the way. The beaches we visited were not only beautiful but also offered an abundance of mouthwatering tapas at affordable prices. Seville warmly welcomed us with its rich history, captivating us with its stunning architecture and delicious tapas. We were also fortunate enough to witness the enchanting flamenco dances up close and personal adding to our experience. No visit would have been complete without visiting the world's famous Sagrada Familia & Casa Mila in Barcelona from the creative mind of Gaudi. The city also offered its famous La Rambla and Mercado de La Boqueria with overloaded shelves of meats, fish, cheeses, fresh oysters, sandwiches, myriad of marinated olives and fruit smoothies. Overall, our journey was filled with unforgettable moments.

Roman bridge, Cordoba, Spain
Roman bridge, Cordoba, Spain
Blue flower pot street, Cordoba, Spain
Blue flower pot street, Cordoba, Spain
Bull fighting rink
Bull fighting rink
Cliff hanging living, Ronda, Spain
Cliff hanging living, Ronda, Spain
Exploring Alhambra, Granada, Spain
Exploring Alhambra, Granada, Spain
Mercado de La Boqueria
Mercado de La Boqueria
Mercado de La Boqueria
Mercado de La Boqueria
Mercado de La Boqueria
Mercado de La Boqueria
Mercado de La Boqueria
Mercado de La Boqueria
View from Alhambra
View from Alhambra

Alhambra is the oldest and best preserved palace featuring Islamic Architecture. Construction began in 1238. It is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Seville, Granada, Barcelona


10/14/20223 min read